Thank you Fairtrade Aust / NZ – you are the whole reason why we got into chocolate. As big supporters form the start, we certify our products with Fairtrade so we know our farmers not only have a protected income, but additionally through the Fairtrade Premiums, are given the education and support to produce quality and consistency in their yields. To date, Bennetto has contributed $Au120,000 in Fairtrade premiums as additional funds for our cooperatives. The cooperative communities use this money to invest in education and development as they see fit.
Because it is such an important part of our values, we are committed to Fairtrade and actively engage in supporting Fairtrade Australia and New Zealand.
If you would like to find out more about Fairtrade and how you can support the importers, producers and manufacturers, then visit them at: or
See our policy on living income here
See our policy on child and forced labour here

There may be a place for chemicals in this world, but when it comes to chocolate, we say 'no thank you'. All our chocolate is certified organic through either Biogro (New Zealand) or the Bio Inspecta (EU) Organic Standard.
See our policy on pesticides here